FCA Western Triangle Area (FCA WTA) is a
NEW FCA area in North Carolina with a specific focus on serving
Durham, Orange, and Person Counties including Duke and North Carolina Central Universities. These three counties represent 48 schools with different sports teams. With the COVID-19 restrictions relaxing, we are hoping to have huddles once again meeting on campuses in the upcoming school year. For the rest of 2022, we are focused on the identifying and achieving goals to support the ministry. Our immediate need is for people like you to become monthly donors to continue this new chapter! With your support, you can help implement our top goals for the next 6 months:
a. Provide leadership training for all 2021-2022 huddle leaders.
b. Expand FCA WTA staff to develop and support relationships with huddle leaders and coaches.
a. Raise $45,000 to support the ministry teams that support the athletes and coaches in the western triangle area
a. Develop strategic communications plan via Social Media and e-news letters to those we serve and potential supporters
A Vision Based Staffing Plan has been developed for the Western Triangle, an area that has been underserved and understaffed for many years. The staffing plan includes both Full-time and Part-time field Representatives/Ambassadors. You can find open positions on the WHO WE ARE page.
If the Lord has placed it on your heart to give to FCA WTA, we want to steward your gift well! Your gift will help fund the staff working in the community and so that they can pour their gifts and time right back into the area.
Please consider joining the FCA Western Triangle Area ministry team by donating, volunteering, sponsoring a campus!
A Huddle is a certified small group bible study/devotion for coaches and athletes.
A certified ministry event that uses the annual theme and scripture for athletes and coaches to develop athletic skills, create influential relationships and encounter Jesus Christ.
FCA Coaches Ministry is the ministry program to coaches through huddles, events, training and resources.
FCA volunteers play a vital role in moving the ministry forward on campus and in the community. Join our volunteer team today to make an impact on the next generation.